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Meadows Tennis League

Join now!

Join the league now to ensure your place in the next round!
Each round costs £10 (£8 students/members of the Meadows Tennis Club). For that you will be matched with players of a similar standard and provided with contact details for your matches. If you play three matches by the halfway point you will receive a free tube of tennis balls. Winners of each group receive a bottle of Champagne and a certificate.
Note, however, that it is up to players to arrange matches and pay for courts.

Join up now. Your £10 covers fees for one round of the Meadows Tennis League. You can pay by paypal of credit card here, or send a cheque made out to Nigel Billen at 2 Highbury Place, London N5 1QZ. (If paying here, please also email me with your contact details and a brief description of your level of play). You will be entered for the next available round and contacted shortly!

Concession rate £8. You are eligible for this special rate if you are a full time student with a student card or a member of the Meadows Tennis Club.

About your payment: Your £10 (£8 concession) is not refundable for any reason after a round begins or the notification of the groups has been sent out. However, the £10 (£8 concession) will be rufunded if for any reason we are unable to hold a round or find you a group to play in.
By consenting to play in the League you are authorising us to share your contact details with other members of the League.

Your Playing Standard

You can join up straight away, and we will get in touch with you about the next round. But it would be useful to know something now about your standard of play.

If you have an LTA Rating, let us have it. We will try to match you with other players with similar ratings.

Otherwise, tell us as much as possible about the way you play. If you've played for your school, university or county then you may have a rating and will know a lot about competitive play. But if you haven't played much competitive tennis, it will be harder for you to make a judgement. Let us know how long you have been playing, whether you have had much or any coaching, and whether you play friendly sets and how you do.

But please don't worry too much! If you are too strong for your opponents in you first round, you will meet stiffer opposition next time, and if you don't fare so well then you'll get more competitive matches next time.

Drop an email to meadowstennisleague@googlemail.com